You care about supporting the mental, emotional and social well-being of your employees?

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, to realize their potential, to learn and work well, and to contribute to their communities. Mental health is an integral component of health and well-being that underlies our individual and collective ability to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world in which we live.

WHO - World Health Organization

Important facts

  • 1 in 5 adults in America and Europe suffers from some mental illness.
  • 1 in 2 adults will meet the criteria for a mental illness in some moment in their lifetime.
  • Globally, 12 billion working days are lost annually due to depression and anxiety.
  • Poor working conditions represent a risk for mental health, while an adequate working environment protects and improves the mental health of employees.
  • There are proven effective activities for improving mental health in the work environment.

Obuke u vezi mentalnog zdravlja su značajne kada…

  • Managers repeatedly do not know how to address issues related to the mental health of employees.
  • there is a strong stigmatization of the problem or there seems to be a misunderstanding and misuse of efforts to improve the mental health of employees.
  • kompanija ulaže u aktivnosti u vezi mentalnog zdravlja zaposlenih, ali se one ne koriste na očekivani način.
  • Recently, there has been one or more incidents in the company related to the mental health of one of the employees (eg suicide attempts, hospitalization, "public" burnout, outbursts of anger, knowledge of addictive behavior).
  • a significant percentage of employees are exposed to increased risk due to increased sources of stress and/or lack of support (eg remote work, migration, economic and political changes).

Ulaganje u mentalno zdravlje zaposlenih i njihov generalni kvalitet života se višestruko isplati, a od 2020. godine je prepoznato kao jedan od najvažnijih benefita koje kompanija može da ponudi. Visok nivo mentalnog zdravlja zaposlenih ima dokazanu pozitivnu vezu sa različitim parametrima uspešnosti poslovanja, poput: povećanja produktivnosti i profitabilnosti, unapređenja zadovoljstva klijenata, nižih stopa turnovera – neželjenih odlazaka zaposlenih i  absentizma – kratkoročnih bolovanja zaposlenih.


Elements of mental health training

  • Mental health - basic concepts and data
  • Common mental health problems: facts, signs in the business environment, examples
  • How to protect yourself - mental health hygiene
  • What if we (maybe) need help: how to recognize and stop the development of a problem
  • The importance and way of connecting with others
  • Acting in crisis situations
  • The role of leaders in fostering mental health
  • Essential resources and support available



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